Are you looking for a new way to decorate? Are you sick of the
traditional stripes and solid colors in your home décor? You should try
decorating with chevron! We have a selection of chevron upholstery
fabric to help you get well on your way. Chevron is a beautiful inverted
V-shaped pattern that has been popping up in home décor recently. You’ll see it
everywhere – wallpaper, accent rugs, throw pillows, wall art, and upholstery.
Just because it’s a “new” trend doesn’t mean that chevron is
new. In fact, chevron has been around for quite some time! The pattern first
appeared on pottery and rock carvings as early as 1800 BC in Greece and Crete. We
guess it’s true what they always say… Trends really do come back around!
Take a bold approach to this old-is-new-again trend by
incorporating it in your next upholstery project. You can keep it small by
creating a fun chevron chair for the den. (Or go all out with a love seat… We
dare you!)
Either way, chevron is a trend that we think has some real
staying power. After all, it’s been around for centuries.